December 20, 2006
Julian Meditations

September, 2006

His Burning Love

by George A. Maloney

WHEN YOU EXPERIENCE God in his fiery love for you, especially in the flaming heart of the Son, Jesus, he changes you in the depths of who you are. You are, you move in and have your being in him who is! In the darkness of the desert you cry out that God call you by your name, and suddenly you become someone!

You touch God as the ground of your true being. You stand day and night before God. You live and move with God. You are in God who penetrates you in every part of your being, in every relationship and event of each moment of your life.

God reveals himself to you as Holy Goodness itself, who wishes to share his divine life with you. He shows himself as Friend, as Spouse, who in Jesus Christ lays down his life for you. You become beautiful and ravishing to your Bridegroom. He pitches his tent within you and takes up his abode as the center of your life.

And the good news you learn to accept is that which Moses learned before the Burning Bush, that you do not need to beg God to come to you or to love you. It is he who begs you to wish to open your heart and your life in all its aspects to accept his burning love.

Taken from Why Not Become Totally Fire? an out-of-print book by George A. Maloney (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1989).