August 7, 2012
Julian Meditations

July, 2012

Jesus Unconcealed

by George A. Maloney

FOR A FAITHFUL Christian, seeking the face of God in each event, it is this present moment in which he finds a new incarnation. Or perhaps it would be more true to say that God is again taking on "flesh," breaking into our world to pitch his tent among us to bring his shekinah or infinite glory into our darkened world. Or simply we can say that Jesus is being "unconcealed" for us for, since his first incarnation, he has never really left us.

Jesus knew that all of us tend toward fears, worries and anxieties. In our isolation and ignorance, not knowing of our inner beauty as loved already by God so infinitely in Christ Jesus, we take things -- events -- into our own hands. We interpret them according to our self-centered fears.

Thus bound and enslaved to the past and the future in fear, we ignore the present that alone can bring God's healing to the past hurts, loneliness and sinfulness. By opening ourselves in complete abandonment to his loving, creative presence in this now moment, we move into the real future that no human eye has ever seen nor ear heard nor could it ever have entered into our minds what God has prepared already for those who love him.

How exciting to realize that these things prepared for us are not the static, eternal ideas predetermined by a God who is totally detached from our material world. Rather, our faith in the presence of God in this event calls us into a great adventure.

We are called into God's creative, loving energies to co-create with him out of the raw stuff of each moment the only real world there is, namely, the world of living and loving in his holy will.

From Nesting in the Rock by George A. Maloney, SJ (Denville, New Jersey: Dimension Books, © Copyright George Maloney, 1977).